
Prizes and all sponsors will be announced soon. This section may be updated frequently until the party date. Please follow the updates.

Competition Computer Configurations:

» PC Compo Machine:
Mainboard: Asus p9x79 pro
CPU: Intel core i7 3820
Video Adapter: 3gb Powercolor hd 7950
Ram: 32gb ddr3 1600mhz ram
Operation Systems: Windows XP SP3 (32-bit) / Windows 7 (64-bit) / Windows 8 (64-bit)

» Commodore 64 Compo Machine:
Old or New Sid
1541,1571,1581,Fd2000HD Disk Drives

Competition Rules

  • All compo-entries, but 'on-the-fly' can be done previously with the simple rule of unreleased productions only. Productions must be submitted and tested on the compo machine before the compo deadline.
  • All entries other than 'on-the-fly' can be provided trough e-mail. All remote-participating entry materials should be sent to until 20:30, Saturday. All mails after this will be only accepted as party-releases and won't participate on the competition.
  • Single person is allowed to join the same competetion with maximum of 3 products.
  • If there is not enough entry for a compo category, it may be merged with another category.
  • Prizes will only be given to who are present at the party place.
  • Compo entries which won't be able to pass preselection will not be allowed to compete.
  • Organization keeps the rights to change prizes until the beginning of the party. Please follow the updates from this site.
  • Competition Category Details


    Size: Free
    Platform: PC/Amiga/C64
    (C64, Amiga and PC, all other platforms (console, AtariST, handheld, GBA) can participate by bringing their own machine)
    Language: All available, except scripting languages.

    Pixel Graphics

    No filters should be used and should be drawn with joystick/mouse/trackball. Lossless-compression (no JPG) should be used to achive the best results. No limits on sizes other than standart screen-sizes. Bigger, scrolling pictures wont accepted. There won't be a platform seperation, but the limits will be considered at the end.

    Freestyle Art

    All kind of 2d/3d illustration works.

    For 3d illustrations
    Rendered graphics must be recorded in loseless formats like tif or png.
    Little modification on the rendered graphics using Photoshop etc. will be accepted.
    It is reqiured to mention which applications are used for 3d rendering.
    Wire-frame version of the graphic is another requirement to be examined by the judges before the compo.
    All objects must belong to the 3d artist. If a stolen 3d object is detected, graphic will be disqualified.
    Architectural object templates ve organic procedurel model creation tools like Poser etc. are not allowed.
    No size limit. Graphic must fit the screen. Scrolling is not allowed.

    For 2d illustrations
    Photoshop and similar applications are allowed. There is no filter usage limitation.
    No size limit. Graphic must fit the screen. Scrolling is not allowed (maximum resolution is 1280x1024).

    Chip-Mod Music

    Any tracker/chip/module music is allowed. There are no limits on the number of channels used. Xm/modules should have a maximum size of 1.44 Mb (fit-on-disc). Commodore (or similiar specific platforms) musics should be compiled with respective players. Any other tracker-musicformat should has its own player provided.
    The maximum play-length is 5 minutes. Mp3's, Wav's and all kind of wave/sequenced/midi won't be accepted.

    Mp3 Computer Music

    Any composing tool is allowed and there is no size limit. Musics must be submitted in mp3 format. Long vocal parts is not going to be accepted. Composition must be original.


    Languages: Free, including scripting languages.
    Platform: Free, as long as you provide the non-listed machines with you (GBA, mobile, XBox, Ps1-2).
    Size: Free

    256 Byte

    Size: 256 Bytes
    Platform: C64, Amiga and PC, all other platforms (console, AtariST, handheld, GBA) can participate by bringing their own machine.
    Language: All available, except scripting languages.


    Language: HTML / Javascript / Flash Actionscript
    Platform: PC, Amiga
    Size: Free
    Browser: Free (standard browsers should render well enough)

    Wild Compo

    Entries which is not categorized above will compete in this category.
    Products must be submitted in video format.
    Duration must not exceed 4 minutes.

    © 2002-2025 7DX Demo Party Organization

    and with the contribution of Bogazici University Computer Engineering Department

    Site design: Inhouse (Caisson)