
Where does the name 7DX come from?

7D2 party was the first party that had been organized in Turkey which had scene competitions like the other scene parties abroad. Party series named after the hexadecimal equivalent of 2002, $7D2. Since the sequential parties are named incrementally like 7D3, 7D4, 7D5, 7D6 etc., the parties are commonly called "7DX Parties".

Starting from the year 2010, the name is fixed to 7DX. Party of this year is called "7DX Demo Party 2014". It's also called "7DX 2014" as its short form.

7DX at Social Networks


7DX 2010 - Pusula TV Program (TRT - Turkish National Channel)

Pusula TV Program which is presented by Mithat Bereket, the well-known reporter of the news world, shown on 29.01.2011. Program's subject was demoscene and the sceners in Turkey.

Pusula - Digital Turks from Burak Bayburtlu on Vimeo.

7D9 Promotion Video

You can find the presentation video of the 2009's party below which was mostly recorded by Endo, edited by Bogazici University Computer Engineering Club Compec and decorated with Drey's soundtrack.


Beast, Caisson, Endo, Hydrogen, Skate, Bogazici University Computer Engineering Club Compec

Party Place Organization

Bogazici University - Computer Engineering Department

What is scene?

The computer user that are coders, graphic artists, musicians, swappers, cover designers etc and the groups that these compose are totally called scene. Every platform (Atari, Amstrad, Spectrum, Sinclair, Commodore, Amiga, PC etc.) has a unique scener like "Commodore 64 Scene", "Spectrum Scene", "PC Scene".

These scenes has various sub groups. For example the scene that the Commodore64 sceners in Turkey are called "Turkish C64 Scene".

Scene absolutely does not include any commercial concerns. Is merely a fun and competition area. Scene is not "work" it is a "hobby". The things that compose and unite scene are the intergroup communication organs (that were used to be letters in the past now they are internet and websites), parties and disc magazines.

What is scener?

A person who takes place in the scene. :)

Who are invited to 7DX 2014?

This years page of 7dx party series that have been aiming to get the people who are intrested in amatour computer culture since 2002 shall take place in Bogazici University at 24th-25th of December.

  • Programmers
  • Digital artists
  • Dijital musicians
  • Visual programming fonds
  • Computer graphics fonds
  • Digital music fonds
  • Sceners
  • Students
  • are invited to the entertainment.

    We aim to have seminars with gifted people, competitions at areas like programming, digital graphic and music and lots of chat.

    You may learn the details of the party from the page and may fallow news.

    Like all the previous 7DX parties this years party is also free. We kindly request you to enroll from the Registration Form if you wish to visit.

    Our contact address for all of your questions and suggestions:

    © 2002-2025 7DX Demo Party Organization

    and with the contribution of Bogazici University Computer Engineering Department

    Site design: Inhouse (Caisson)