Gönderen Konu: MMC64  (Okunma sayısı 6525 defa)


« : 03.04.2005 12:47:15 »
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Selamlar. C64 icin memory card arabirimi, mmc64'un satisi basladi.  Eger meraklisi varsa(benim gibi:) asagida c64.sk'da cikan haberleri okuyabilir.
Not:Topic aciklamasi olarak c64 icin memory card okuyucu yazmisim. Pardon. Dogrusu c64 icin memory card arabirimi olacakti.

Shipping of MMC64 has started
individual Computers ( http://www.ami.ga ) have now established a fully lead-free production process. Using this process, the production of MMC64 has started on monday, february 28th of this year, and shipping of the flashcard-based mass-storage unit for the C64 has started on friday march 4th, 2005.

Orders can be placed through the contact form of the individual Computers website. The price per unit is 49,- EUR, shipment within Germany is 5,- EUR, and it’s 10,- EUR for any other place in the world.

MMC64 software and documentation updates 00:26  

MMC64 plugins available
The flashcard-based mass storage device for the C64 computer supports a plugin system that handles unknown filetypes with external programs. The first plugins support the seven picture formats Koala, Doodle, Advanced Art Studio, Interpaint, Hi-Eddi, Art Studio and Paint Magic. Further, there’s a player for a streaming.video format that’s already supported by another mass storage unit for the C64.

Download: MMC64_PicturePlugins.zip (5 KByte)

Download anim-Player:
PAL version (2 KByte)
NTSC version (2 KByte)

The BIOS of MMC64 has been improved a lot after the first bug reports. The new version 0.96 can be flashed by the user by simply placing the file in the SYSTEM64 directory of a flashcard. Should anything go wrong while flashing the unit with the browser, the same tool is available on a recovery disk.

Download: MMC64_V096.zip (7 KByte)
recovery disk (8 KByte)

Detailed documentation of MMC64 is now available in the support area of ami.ga . Programmers can find information about the MMC64 registers, and a few code examples of how to read and write data from and to the flashcard in their own programs. A commented source code for a plugin will follow in a few days.