Gönderen Konu: mac osx blenderi derleleme hatasi  (Okunma sayısı 4877 defa)

mac osx blenderi derleleme hatasi

« : 20.06.2007 01:12:01 »
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bf-blender-2007-06-14 Pre-release paketlemeden onceki kaynak kodunu indirdim. blenderi macbook pro CoreD2'e uyarlamaya calisiyorum
mousun tiklamasini kaldirip yerine spacebari kullanmak icin
boyle olunca bilegimde agrimiyicak. en basindan derleme denemelerimi yaziyorum ingilizcem yeterli gelmedi icin yardim istimek zorundayim yardimci olabilirseniz.

----------------------Mac OSX TIPS--------------------------------------
 her iki derleme methodunuda denedim,
hazir xcode projesiniden derlemeyi denedim.

xcode IDE sinin verdigi hata
#include "DNA_brush_types.h"
#include "DNA_customdata_types.h"

boyle bir dizin veya dosya yok diyor ama klasorde var.

Bende Scons dan sonra make deyip derlemeyi denedim. install metnini buraya yaziyorum.
When building Blender on OSX you have two choices:
METHOD 1. Build using the old NaN Makefiles.
METHOD 2. Use the SCons build system (see above)

If you want to follow method 1, follow the "Basic Makefile TIPS" above to set the
environment variables. You don't need to edit the Makefiles. They should work
out of the box in combinations with some external libraries that should be on
your system in a fixed location.

Step 2:
You can use the package installer fink (http://fink.sourceforge.net/) for some

fink yazilimi ile 5 gerekli kutuphaneyide kurdum (fink kuruyor dimi).

of the external libraries:
1. jpeg    (fink install libjpeg)
2. png     (fink install libpng3)
3. cvs      (fixes some bugs in the shipped cvs: fink install cvs)
4. python23 ((adds the static lib for python) fink install python23)
   You will probably want to select python-nox when
   it asks you. (Also read python note below)
5. freetype (fink install freetype2)

If you use OSX 10.3, the python framework is part of the OS installation, so you
don't have to use the fink installer for it. The Makefile is configured for 10.3
by default, so for 10.2 you have to open source/nan_definitions.mk and comment out:
   export PY_FRAMEWORK   = 1    // "nan_definitions.mk ve framework/ dizinini kontrol ettim python 2.5 yukluydu "

Step 3:
The rest of the external libraries are present in CVS in binary format so you
don't have to download them. Precompiled libraries are found in CVS in
If you are not running on a darwing kernel 6.1 (which is likely if you auto-
update your system, you might want to add a symbolic link in the
$NANBLENDERHOME/lib/ directory. For example, if you work on a 6.2 kernel:
ln -s darwin-6.1-powerpc darwin-6.2-powerpc

Step 4:
Start the build process by building Blender's "intern" libraries. Navigate to
$NANBLENDERHOME/intern and type make. This will build the intern libraries which
will be installed into the $NANBLENDERHOME/lib/darwin-6.1-powerpc (thanks to
the symbolic link).
Do the same for the $NANBLENDERHOME/extern directory

Step 5
Navigate to $NANBLENDERHOME/source and type make.

Step 6:
Although the Makefiles in the intern directory run ranlib on the libraries
built, the gcc linker complains about ranlib not being run. Until there is a
solution, you will need to run ranlib by hand once in a while when the make
breaks. Luckily, the error message lists the full path of the file to run
ranlib on... so just type "ranlib */*.a" or so. :)

If you don't want to use the precompiled libraries you can download and/or
build them yourself. Here are some directions.

Simdi make islenimdede sorun olan 'FTBitmapGlyph.h' basliginda sorun oldugu icin kaldi.

- the freetype lib in /usr/X11R6 installed by apple X11 SDK dont work in blender (not the standard lib)
- both those installed by fink and darwinports can work, or you can compile your own. in any case,
dont move these libs from their install location or you will break other libs (like fgtl) that rely on them.

* if you must move them, edit freetype-config and adjust prefix variable (3rd line).
* always keep freetype-config in the bin directory of the new location
* for blender, safer to set enable_shared=no
* to build easily those unix libs create a symbolic link as follow :
            sudo ln -s /System/Library/Frameworks/OpenGL.framework/Versions/A/Headers /usr/include/GL
* build the unix version, not the mac one
* use ./configure then make and make install
* the CVS version of freetype-config has the path on my computer, adjust it to yours if you want to rebuild fgtl

* freetype must be already installed and working
* build the unix version, not the mac one
* set FT2_CONFIG var to the full path of freetype-config
* configure with the following options --without-x  --with-ft-prefix=PFX --with-ft-exec-prefix=PFX where PFX is the valid path

bu hata python verisyorunu ile alakakali oldugunu saniyorum 2.5 yuklu framework kutuphanesinde 2.3 de yuklenmiyor. mac os x kullanicisi bi scener yardim edebilirmi. 2.5 ten 2.3 gecemiyorum.

---------------- make
install /Users/home/blender/obj/darwin-8.9.1-i386/extern//solid/libsolid.a

====> make all in extern/bFTGL/src
g++ -c -Wall -Wno-reorder -DUSE_SUMO_SOLID -pipe -fPIC  -DNDEBUG -O2  -D_THREAD_SAFE -I../include -I/Users/home/blender/../lib/darwin-8.9.1-i
../include/FTGlyph.h:81: error: 'FT_Error' does not name a type
../include/FTBitmapGlyph.h:31: error: expected `)' before 'glyph'
FTBitmapGlyph.cpp:5: error: expected `)' before 'glyph'
make[2]: *** [/Users/home/blender/obj/darwin-8.9.1-i386/extern/ftgl/FTBitmapGlyph.o] Error 1
make[1]: *** [all] Error 1
make: *** [all] Error 1
hata aldim daha sonrada
derlemeyida derlemeye calistim FTCharmap.cpp'ta 15 hata buldu
burda takildim. :) yeniden sistem kurmak istemiyorum.
Öykü sonundan başlar. Konuş ya da öl. Ve konuşmayı sürdürdüğün sürece ölmeyeceksin? (s.180).....Hepimiz yazariz.

mac osx blenderi derleleme hatasi

« Yanıtla #1 : 20.06.2007 01:20:42 »
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A Sinner Scener
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Elimin altında bir MAC olmadığı için problemlerle ilgili tahmin yürütmek yerine kolay gelsin demekle yetiniyorum :)

mac osx blenderi derleleme hatasi

« Yanıtla #2 : 20.06.2007 02:23:55 »
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Alıntı yapılan: emotion;15461
../include/FTGlyph.h:81: error: 'FT_Error' does not name a type
../include/FTBitmapGlyph.h:31: error: expected `)' before 'glyph'
FTBitmapGlyph.cpp:5: error: expected `)' before 'glyph'

FT_Error tipinin tanimli oldugu header dosyasi include edilmemis bu yuzden compiler tipi tanimadigi hatasini veriyor.
g++ -c -Wall -Wno-reorder -DUSE_SUMO_SOLID -pipe -fPIC -DNDEBUG -O2 -D_THREAD_SAFE -I../include -I/Users/home/blender/../lib/darwin-8.9.1-i

bu satirin tamamini yazarsan hangi c/c++ dosyasini compile ederken problem yasadigini gorebiliriz.
Bana gorunen o ki, sisteminde Blender'in ihtiyac duydugu Freetype library yok veya Blender headerlari bulamiyor. FT_Error ihtimalen Freetype headerlarindan birinde tanimli.

mac osx blenderi derleleme hatasi

« Yanıtla #3 : 20.06.2007 19:22:49 »
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İleti: 36

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xcode IDEsinde kullanici isminden kaynaklanan yanlis yol tanimlamalari vardi FTGL eklentisinin bir kac .h tanesini ekledim. sonra aci gercegi farkettim sorun sadece ondan degil. IMG.apisi eksik ve yazmaya usendigim koddaki yazim hatalari var. Sanirim blenderin release edilmesini beklemem daha dogru olucak ozaman mac.ime uyarliyicam blenderi. ilgilendiginiz icin......
Öykü sonundan başlar. Konuş ya da öl. Ve konuşmayı sürdürdüğün sürece ölmeyeceksin? (s.180).....Hepimiz yazariz.