Gönderen Konu: CCS64 v3.3  (Okunma sayısı 1512 defa)

CCS64 v3.3

« : 08.07.2007 00:20:56 »
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- FIX: Re-implemented the display/collision-detection routines, in order to work with 48- and 50- pixel wide sprites. Krestage 3 now works perfectly.
- ADD: Added an "On - Quiet" option to the Maximum 1541 Speed setting, which does not show the Maximum 1541 Speed message on the screen (so that the on-screen action is not disturbed), when this routine is triggered.
- ADD: $WINDOWSIZEX/$WINDOWSIZEY parameters added to the C64.CFG file, which specify the size of the Window 1x window in pixels, when CCS64 is run in Windowed mode. This is to allow the border area to be better seen, when running in Windowed mode (e.g. Krestage 3 needs a 400-pixel width).
- MOD: The format of the freeze/state files has been changed, to work with the re-implemented display/collision-detection routines. This could not be avoided, due to the core changes made to the emulator.

CCS64 v3.3

« Yanıtla #1 : 08.07.2007 14:49:31 »
Hızlı düğmeleri aç


İleti: 5.245

A Sinner Scener
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Bu da Crossbow'un ne tür bir haywan olduğunu kanıtlıyor işte. 2007'deyiz be kardeşim. Çüş ama dimi ;)