Gönderen Konu: vice 1.20  (Okunma sayısı 1373 defa)

vice 1.20

« : 03.09.2006 14:09:30 »
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vice 1.20 (2 eylul 2006) cikti..

Kod: [Seç]
[B]** C64 changes[/B]
- Fixed some longstanding RMW to IO area VIC-II DMA timing bug.
- Added Mikro Assembler, Dela EP7x8, Dela EP256 and Rex EP256
  cart support.
- Fixed the KCS cart emulation.
- Added swiftlink and turbo232 support.
- Added +256k memory expansion support.
- Added I/O source read collision detection support, making
  simultanious use of multiple expansions possible, like on
  the real machine.
- Fixed the RR-net address decoding and REU compatibility.
- Fixed a problem with traps using the SX Kernal ROM.
- Some IDE64 ultimax bug has been fixed.