Gönderen Konu: Patent Olayları  (Okunma sayısı 2010 defa)

Patent Olayları

« : 29.05.2004 19:41:01 »
Hızlı düğmeleri aç


İleti: 1.493

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EU yeni tasarladığı baz yasalarla yazılımlarla ilgili HERŞEYİ patentlemek istiyormuş; buna for-loop, while-loop, stack, hash table, objects gibi parçacıklar da dahil... ehh artık kod yazarken her komutu kullanmak için izinler isteyeceğiz, paralar ödeyeceğiz galiba:

"It has always been my position that software patents are very dangerous. None of us would be able to write applications had truly unique processes in the software field been patented in the early days. Constructs such as the for-loop, while-loop, stack, hash table, objects, etc. We are currently seeing the fallout from software patents in the US and I hope with all my heart that we can stop software patents from becoming law in Europe."

[1] http://demo.ffii.org/
[2] http://demo.ffii.org/online.php
[3] http://bh.udev.org/
[4] http://demo.ffii.org/demobanners.php
[5] http://www.flashant.org/index.php?p=42&c=1